Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Ecco alcune delle pubblicazioni scientifiche a cui ha collaborato il Dott. Panero:

1) Tos P, Antonini A, Pugliese P, Panero B, Ciclamini D, Battiston B. Below Knee Stump Reconstruction with a Foot Fillet Flap. J Reconstr Microsurg 2017;33:S20–S26.

2) Battiston B, Titolo P, Ciclamini D, Panero B. Peripheral nerve Defects: Overviews of practice in Europe. Hand Clinics 2017. 33: 545-550.

3) Bonziglia S, Quaranta F, Battiston B, Panero B, Artiaco S, Ciclamini D. Le lesioni capsulolegamentose del polso, aspetti clinici e valutativi. Riv It Med Leg. 2016. 3:1090-1092.

4) Magistroni E, Ciclamini D, Panero B, Verna V. Ultrasound-guided pulse-dose radiofrequency: treatment of neuropathic pain after brachial plexus lesion and arm revascularization. Case Rep Med. 2014.

5) Monticelli A, Ciclamini D, Boffano M, Boux E, Titolo P, Panero B, Battiston B, Piana R, Tos P. Lower Limb Core Scale: a new application to evaluate and compare the outcomes of bone and soft-tissue tumours resection and reconstruction. Biomed Res Int. 2014:652141.

6) Bueno RA Jr, Battiston B, Ciclamini D, Titolo P, Panero B, Tos P. Replantation: current concepts and outcomes. Clin Plast Surg. 2014 Jul;41(3):385-95.

7) Titolo P, Milani P, Panero B, Ciclamini D, Colzani G, Artiaco S. Acute compartment syndrome of the arm after minor trauma in a patient with optimal range of oral anticoagulant therapy: a case report. Case Rep Orthop. 2014:980940.

8) Ciclamini D, Panero B, Titolo P, Tos P, Battiston B. Particularities of hand and wrist complex injuries in polytrauma management. Injury. 2014 Feb;45(2):448-51.

9) Titolo P, Panero B, Ciclamini D, Battiston B, Tos P. New tendon transfer for correction of drop-foot in common peroneal nerve palsy. Clin Orthop Relat Res.2013 Oct;471(10):3382.

10) Ciclamini D, Tos P, Magistroni E, Panero B, Titolo P, Da Rold I, Battiston B. Functional and subjective results of 20 thumb replantations. Injury. 2013 Apr;44(4):504-7.